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Enjoy Mr Loba Loba Song in High Quality - Download Lagu Online

How to download lagu mister loba loba by Shaggy

If you are looking for a fun and upbeat song to spice up your music collection, you might want to check out lagu mister loba loba by Shaggy. This is a catchy song with a multicultural background that will make you want to sing along and dance.

download lagu mister loba loba

What is lagu mister loba loba?

Lagu mister loba loba is a song by Shaggy, a Jamaican-American musical artist who is known for his reggae fusion and pop style. He released the song in 1995 as the second single from his third studio album, Boombastic. The song was also used in an ad for Levi's jeans, which boosted its popularity worldwide.

The meaning of lagu mister loba loba

The title of the song is a combination of words from different languages. Lagu means "song" in Indonesian and Malay, two languages spoken in Southeast Asia. Loba means "wolf" in Spanish and Portuguese, two languages spoken in Latin America and Europe. Mister is an English word that means "a man who is admired or respected". So, the title of the song can be roughly translated as "song of the respected wolf" or "song of the charming wolf". The song is about Shaggy's romantic interest in a woman who he calls his "darling angel". He praises her beauty and personality, and expresses his desire to be with her.

The popularity of lagu mister loba loba

The song was a huge success worldwide, reaching the top 10 in many countries, including the US, UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, and more. It also won a Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album in 1996. The song was featured in a commercial for Levi's jeans, which showed a young man trying to impress a woman by dancing to the song in his underwear. The ad was widely praised for its humor and creativity, and helped boost the sales of both the jeans and the song.

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The lyrics of lagu mister loba loba

The lyrics of the song are playful and romantic, with Shaggy's distinctive rap style and a sample of Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" in the remix version. The song has four verses and a chorus, with Shaggy singing in English and occasionally using Jamaican Patois. The main themes and messages of the song are:

  • Shaggy is attracted to a woman who he calls his "darling angel", and he wants to be her lover.

  • Shaggy compliments the woman's physical appearance, saying she is "smooth as silk" and "soft as cotton".

  • Shaggy also praises the woman's personality, saying she is "nice and lovely" and "a woman of my dreams".

  • Shaggy expresses his confidence and charisma, saying he is "mister boombastic" and "mister fantastic".

  • Shaggy invites the woman to spend some time with him, saying he will "take you to a place nice and quiet" and "make you feel like heaven".

Why you should download lagu mister loba loba

If you like the song and want to enjoy it anytime and anywhere, you should consider downloading it to your device. There are many benefits of having the song on your device, such as:

Enjoy high-quality audio

By downloading the song, you can listen to it in high-quality audio, without any interruptions or distortions. You can also choose the format and bitrate that suit your preferences and device specifications. For example, you can download the song in MP3, WAV, FLAC, or AAC formats, with different levels of compression and quality. You can also use headphones or speakers to enhance your listening experience.

Listen offline anytime

By downloading the song, you can listen to it offline anytime, without relying on an internet connection or a music service subscription. You can also save your data and battery usage by avoiding streaming or buffering. You can play the song on your device's music player or any other compatible app. You can also transfer the song to other devices or storage media if you want.

Create your own playlists

By downloading the song, you can create your own playlists with your favorite songs. You can organize your music library according to your mood, genre, artist, or occasion. You can also shuffle or repeat your songs as you like. You can also share your playlists with your friends or family if you want.

How to download lagu mister loba loba legally

If you want to download lagu mister loba loba legally, you have several options to choose from. You can buy the song from online stores, stream the song from music services, or download the song from free sources. However, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of. Here are some of the best ways to get the song without breaking any rules:

Buy the song from online stores

One of the easiest and safest ways to download lagu mister loba loba legally is to buy it from online stores that sell digital music. Some of the most popular online stores are iTunes, Amazon Music, and Google Play Music. These stores allow you to purchase individual songs or albums with different payment methods. You can also preview the songs before buying them. Once you buy the song, you can download it to your device or cloud storage. You can also access your purchased music from any device that supports the store's app or website. Buying the song from online stores is a legal and ethical way to support the artist and the music industry.

Stream the song from music services

Another way to download lagu mister loba loba legally is to stream it from music services that offer online or offline access to millions of songs. Some of the most popular music services are Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and YouTube Music. These services require a monthly or yearly subscription fee, but they also offer free trials or plans with limited features. You can stream the song online or download it to your device for offline listening. You can also discover new songs and artists based on your preferences and recommendations. Streaming the song from music services is a legal and convenient way to enjoy the song and other music.

Comparison table of music streaming services





$9.99/month for Premium, $14.99/month for Family, $4.99/month for Student, free with ads for Basic

Unlimited streaming and downloading, ad-free, offline mode, personalized playlists and radio, podcasts, social sharing, compatible with various devices and platforms

Apple Music

$9.99/month for Individual, $14.99/month for Family, $4.99/month for Student, free for 3 months for new users

Unlimited streaming and downloading, ad-free, offline mode, personalized playlists and radio, podcasts, live shows, exclusive content, integration with iTunes and Siri, compatible with various devices and platforms


$9.99/month for Premium, $19.99/month for HiFi, $14.99/month for Family, $4.99/month for Student, free for 30 days for new users

Unlimited streaming and downloading, ad-free, offline mode, personalized playlists and radio, podcasts, live shows, exclusive content, high-fidelity sound quality, compatible with various devices and platforms

YouTube Music

$9.99/month for Premium, $14.99/month for Family, $4.99/month for Student, free with ads for Basic

Unlimited streaming and downloading, ad-free, offline mode, personalized playlists and radio, podcasts, live shows, exclusive content, integration with YouTube and Google Assistant, compatible with various devices and platforms

Download the song from free sources

A third way to download lagu mister loba loba legally is to get it from free sources that offer the song without any charge or subscription. Some of the most common free sources are YouTube and SoundCloud, where you can find the official or unofficial versions of the song uploaded by the artist or other users. However, these sources do not allow you to download the song directly to your device. You need to use third-party tools or websites that can convert the video or audio file into a downloadable format. For example, you can use online converters like or to download the song from YouTube or SoundCloud.

Disclaimer and warning

Before you download lagu mister loba loba from free sources, you should be aware of the potential risks and legal issues involved. Downloading free music may violate the copyright laws of your country or region and the terms and conditions of the source. Downloading free music may also expose your device to malware, viruses, or spyware that can harm your data or privacy. Downloading free music may also affect the quality and authenticity of the song, as it may be edited, corrupted, or incomplete. Therefore, you should always be careful and cautious when downloading free music, and use reliable and reputable tools or websites. You should also respect the rights and interests of the artist and the music industry, and support them by buying or streaming their music legally.


Lagu mister loba loba is a catchy and fun song by Shaggy that you can download to your device and enjoy anytime and anywhere. The song has a multicultural background, a worldwide popularity, and a playful and romantic theme. You can download the song legally by buying it from online stores, streaming it from music services, or getting it from free sources. However, each option has its own pros and cons that you should consider before downloading the song. You should also be aware of the potential risks and legal issues of downloading free music, and respect the artist and the music industry. By downloading lagu mister loba loba legally, you can have a great listening experience and support a great musical artist.


  • What is the name of the album that lagu mister loba loba is from?

The name of the album is Boombastic, which is Shaggy's third studio album. It was released in 1995 and won a Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album in 1996.

  • What is the name of the woman who sings in lagu mister loba loba?

The name of the woman who sings in lagu mister loba loba is Chevelle Franklyn, a Jamaican gospel singer who was formerly a reggae and dancehall artist. She sings the chorus of the song with Shaggy.

  • What is the name of the ad that featured lagu mister loba loba?

The name of the ad is "Levi's 501: The Original Button Fly Jeans". It was released in 1995 and showed a young man trying to impress a woman by dancing to lagu mister loba loba in his underwear.

  • What is the name of the sample that is used in lagu mister loba loba remix?

The name of the sample is "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye, a classic soul song from 1973. It is used in lagu mister loba loba remix version, which was released in 1996 as part of Boombastic Platinum Edition.

  • What is the name of Shaggy's real name?

Shaggy's real name is Orville Richard Burrell. He was born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1968 and moved to Brooklyn, New York when he was 18. He served in the US Marine Corps during the Gulf War before pursuing his musical career.


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